S-application for S-events S-organisers

Super easy intuitive app developed specifically for s-organizers.
Smart organizers who know well how to save money, organize s-events efficiently and focus on the most important things.
S-event is a course, seminar, training, workshop. An event with a limited number of participants where registration and payment for participation takes place. Including, for example, a tour or a children's camp.

How can S-CRM.eu help you?

  • clear record keeping of participants, individual and group (company) registrations, payments and invoices issued
  • client history (including financial) in one place
  • email templates allow you to send bulk emails with individual outreach
  • invoicing in a few clicks
  • exports and prints created to suit your needs
  • automation and integration with other applications
Do you need to try the S-CRM.eu app before you buy it? We completely understand. Take the opportunity to get access to the demo for 21 days for free.

Tested by long-term operation

In 2023, S-CRM.eu underwent an extensive redesign and technological changes. Over the previous 20 years, it transformed from a Windows program to an intranet application and finally to a web application tuned specifically for s-event organizers.

For many years it has served and continues to serve course organizers in various fields.
Users include:
  • Sugama Meditation Center - dozens to hundreds of courses and trainings in meditation, exercise and personal growth annually.
  • H1.cz - a famous online training agency. Cooperation terminated after 7 years in 2019 due to company reorganization.
  • Rallye Rejvíz - organizer of international medical rescue services competition. Units carefully prepared large-scale events annually.
  • Seminaria s.r.o. - professional organizer of seminars and webinars for companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Hundreds of events per year.
  • Sugandho - personal growth workshops in different countries. Dozens of events per year.
Thanks to S-CRM.eu, our customers are able to organize more events during the year, plan better and build better relationships with participants and trainers, who then like to come back for more events.

Focus on reliability and safety

The service was developed in the Czech Republic. We are headquartered there, from where we provide customer support. The application runs on a server physically located in Germany. Thanks to the cooperation with our partner German hosting company Contabo, we can ensure high availability and stability of operation.
We are fanatically rigorous in our measures to secure our clients' data and eliminate the possibility of misuse.
  • We use a space reserved for S-CRM.eu only
  • Each client has a separate database with its own access
  • We systematically apply a number of technical and organizational measures
  • Data is regularly backed up on a daily basis.
  • Access to the application is via an encrypted HTTPS connection.

S-CRM.eu will simplify for you

Storing and retrieving data

  • In the People list you will keep everything you need to know about participants, people interested in your courses, collaborating tutors, etc. For each person, you can clearly see the history of participation in events and payments made.
  • In the Events list you work with a list of organized courses and everything related to them. You can instantly see how full each event is, how much money was raised, the proportion of men and women, and more.
  • The Organizations list is used to store data about companies and organizations. Whether they are corporate participants or partner organizations, e.g. service providers, etc.
The advantage of S-CRM.eu is the ability to configure the display of individual lists.

Enrollment and payment administration

  • Quick, convenient, intuitive.
  • No unnecessary retyping. Once entered, the information is displayed for both the event and the participant.
  • The system allows for individual entries as well as corporate or group entries with multiple participants.
  • You can set discounts or surcharges in several ways on each entry.


  • You can create and send an invoice immediately after the registration form is saved.
  • The system allows you to use several number series and several invoice templates.
  • It is possible to set a different currency or VAT amount, or to set a non-VAT payer.
  • Invoices from S-CRM.eu are sent as an email with a PDF attachment. You can change the text of the email at any time.

Export and printing of selected data

  • The system includes several standard exports, but also allows you to define your own.
  • In case you are not satisfied with the standard exports or the options of setting custom exports, then your specific export requirements can be solved as an additional customization within our capacity.

Email campaigns

  • The S-CRM.eu user sends emails to individuals or a list of selected people according to email templates.
  • Setting up email templates includes the ability to include variables such as personal salutation, event name and location, event start and end date, lecturer name, etc.
  • Prepared templates can be copied and easily edited
  • S-CRM.eu includes a sophisticated system for selecting recipients. You can send emails to participants of a specific event, or to participants of all past events of a selected type, it can also be segmented e.g. by address and other items.
  • After setting up an email campaign, the application will take care of sending emails to all selected recipients. You do not need to be logged in while sending the campaign.

Exchange of data with other applications

  • The S-CRM.eu application includes API for communication with other applications such as your website, accounting programs and other systems.
  • Our clients mostly use the ability to submit applications from the web.
  • Specific requirements for interfacing and new API features are addressed with clients individually as customizations according to our capacity.

Many other small tweaks like

  • The user can set the language of the application. Currently, you can choose between English and Czech. In case you need to add another language, please email us. We will add more languages on demand.
  • Several users can work in one database at the same time.
  • Each user in the system has one of three access levels: preview only, the right to make changes and one admin user.
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