Tested by long-term operation
In 2023, S-CRM.eu underwent an extensive redesign and technological changes. Over the previous 20 years, it transformed from a Windows program to an intranet application and finally to a web application tuned specifically for s-event organizers.
For many years it has served and continues to serve course organizers in various fields.
Users include:
- Sugama Meditation Center - dozens to hundreds of courses and trainings in meditation, exercise and personal growth annually.
- H1.cz - a famous online training agency. Cooperation terminated after 7 years in 2019 due to company reorganization.
- Rallye Rejvíz - organizer of international medical rescue services competition. Units carefully prepared large-scale events annually.
- Seminaria s.r.o. - professional organizer of seminars and webinars for companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Hundreds of events per year.
- Sugandho - personal growth workshops in different countries. Dozens of events per year.
Thanks to S-CRM.eu, our customers are able to organize more events during the year, plan better and build better relationships with participants and trainers, who then like to come back for more events.